
Oval outlet

Oval outlet

From coils to the finished oval outlet without any labor intervention if not that highly specialized in the regulation of the systems themselves. The operator intervenes only to package the products and thus be able to carry out quality control.

Diameter (mm) Sv.
75 25 - 33
80 25 - 28 - 33
100 25 - 28 - 33

Conceived for European gutters, from the coil, directly to the finished product, without any other manual activity, the operator has just to set the machine parameters

A 45 years of experience at your service

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    Seamed elbow
    diameter (mm) angle
    60 72° - 85°
    40° on demand

    It belongs to the very core business of sacap as it appears in the company logo as well. Sacap was established as producer of seamed and welded elbows, and became the supplier you are looking for. Our elbows comply with the European DIN standards and it allows Sacap to sell this product in Europe.

    Unyco welded elbow
    diameter (mm) angle
    60 40° - 60° - 72° - 85°

    Obtained from welded and curved pipe, it is designed to satisfy the demanding north european market. The high quality, the propriety of dimensions and the compliance with the DIN requirements put Sacap on the top of production quality.

    A 45 years of experiance at your service

    Contact us

      flag the checkbox for Sacap to contact you